a platform that can transfer your BNB proceeds or Withdraw your featured tokens at any time as you wish.

INDDAIS is a decentralized automated digital data and asset management system. INDTOKEN seeds can be purchased with any INDX, INDT or ERC-20 tokens. INDTOKEN is the internal currency of INDDAIS. One INDTOKEN entitles the owner to 1 GB of data storage on the decentralized INDDAIS network for one year. The more INDTOKENS you have, the more data you can store on the INDDAIS network.

What is Inddais?
Inddais Mining Farms is a world class infrastructure along with a dedicated expert management crew with a wealth of experience in monitoring, heat management, algo steering, maintenance and other critical tasks required to handle high performance mining farms.

Inddais has implemented a decentralized crypto vault where we transfer 40% of the total daily mining proceeds apart from generating fields where users can seed their tokens and receive their share of the vault balance. Simply put, buying and seeding Inddais tokens is more like owning a mine or farm without the hassle of running them efficiently. Inddais token in the first place to increase the required capital and increase the size of our mining farm.


We Build Crypto Mining Farms Globally

We don’t limit ourselves to just providing hashpower for mining cryptocurrencies. Our mission involves researching specialized equipment, efficient mining software for various algorithms and energy efficient methods to create a decentralized economy, a possibility for anyone and everyone.

A transparent and decentralized environment to benefit from blockchain evolution.

A simple but efficient program to ensure access to crypto finance in its original form to everyone around the planet.

Actively engage in practices that incorporate efficient methods to save energy without compromising the security and availability of any blockchain network.


Mission and Leadership

We strongly believe that a decentralized platform will empower people with the best financial opportunities in a secure and transparent environment. We aspire to contribute the best solutions for an optimized crypto experience. Our mining rigs ship with the latest architecture and are loaded with custom-built computing applications that deliver amazing performance in speed, accuracy and stability.

With diversified crypto investing as our core idea, our mission is to contribute significant computing power to the blockchain community in a green environment. We do not limit our research to just increasing profitability or productivity, we are equally concentrated on introducing new methods and fully adopting the use of renewable energy sources in all of our mining sites.

Cryptocurrencies uniquely combine technology and economics. It requires good knowledge in both areas to secure a prominent place in the market for any aspiring crypto professional. Crypto business plans without considering technical limitations or allocation of technical resources without knowing the financial possibilities — both will hinder the steady growth of the company and sometimes lead to permanent sluggishness.


INIS adds value to your crypto portfolio by delivering impeccable transparency, liquidity and prosperity.

Placed on top of the BNB Chain

INIS is bound by the BEP-20 standard and is in the BNB chain known for its scalability, speed and security.

Transparency Delivered

The underlying smart contract stores all transactions that change state without exception to ensure transparent tokennomics.

Inbuilt Sales Facility

We understand the changing financial cloud, and therefore when needed, you can directly exchange some of your tokens for BNB coins.

Futuristic Implementation

Incentive burning function and top cap mint function will enable us to control inflation or deflation efficiently.

Locked Liquidity

We have restricted access to funds in dividend-holding contracts to yielding agricultural seeds to ensure a fair distribution of profits.

Simple Yield Farm

The profit from a yielding farm is directly proportional to the growing vault balance, the number of tokens seeded, and their duration.

A decentralized economy is not in conflict with any authority; it is simply an aspiration towards impartial availability.

How does it work?

Farm and vault contracts complement Inddais tokens where token holders are required to seed their tokens on the farm to receive their share of the profits stored in the vault.

Dividend Vault — Contract Inddais Dividend Vault (dINIS) is a place to transfer income generated from our business activities and which is further distributed among INIS token holders

Total Supply & Limits — The total supply of native tokens (dINIS) from the vault contract is one hundred tokens (100 tokens), which represents the percentage of the total used when calculating the user’s share of the vault’s BNB balance. There are only two holders of DINIS tokens, one is the Owner, and the other is the Farm. Owner transfers all DINIS tokens to Farm before Season Start

Dividend Payment- Whenever the contract receives a transfer request from the Plantation, it multiplies the amount of dINIS requested by the contract’s BNB balance and divides it by the total balance of the Garden’s dINIS. The contract then transfers the amount of BNB arriving based on this calculation to the Farm. The final beneficiary of the transfer from the vault is the Inddais user who has seeded his token in the Farm and requested to harvest the Proceeds.

Dividend Payment = (BNB Vault X balance of requested dINIS tokens) / dINIS Agriculture balance

Seeding & Harvesting — Users deposit (seeds) INIS tokens on the farm to receive dividend vault tokens (dINIS) as bonus (yield). The vault contract calculates the BNB equivalent value of the dINIS yield based on a set dividend payout formula and transfers the BNB when the user makes a request to withdraw the yield (harvest) from the Farm. The number of INIS tokens seeded by the user, the total seed created by all INIS users, and the duration of the token seed (calculated in seconds) in the farm are factors used to calculate the user’s net yield

Haven’t heard of you?

Cryptocurrencies are developing an industry where companies or individuals do not even need an online presence to take part or profit from this industry due to its decentralized nature. There are still hundreds of companies or groups of individuals who are doing crypto mining, trading or even engaging in in-depth research that the rest of the world doesn’t know about. Therefore, it is not surprising to find a company that claims to have reached or will reach extraordinary heights. We are now available and hopefully have informed you of our whereabouts. It will be an amazing result that we give that will make ourselves worthy to be kept in your mind permanently. Keep in touch. It’s always fun to watch babies grow.

Every token you buy will supply additional hash power to our mining farm. For this contribution of yours, we transfer 40% of the total daily mining yield to the dividend vault distributed on the blockchain (dINIS). The only key to gaining access to the funds in the vault is none other than the tokens you hold. All you have to do is sow your tokens at Inddais Farm and continue to harvest crypto yields. The farm calculates your share of the vault balance based on the number of tokens you have seeded on the farm and the number of days you have kept them.

Inddais combines traditional revenue-sharing methods and blockchain transparency by integrating timed BNB-generating fields and liquidity-locked smart contract vaults in its ecosystem.

Easy to understand: INDDAIS has 3 smart contracts (TOKEN, FARM & VAULT) which are used in the BSC network. When you buy INIS TOKEN and seeds at FARM, you earn BNB yield from VAULT.

VAULT is funded regularly using crypto mining revenue from INDDAIS.

How is INDDAIS different?

INDDAIS is built around services and does not depend on the exchange market.

Profits are earned from crypto mining operations and hence market UP or DOWN, INDDAIS is still making crypto.

Buying, Selling and Even Burning is fully automated and decentralized.

You get BNB proceeds from INDDAIS FARM directly, so holders don’t need to sell their tokens for profit.

INDDAIS Price: 1 INIS = 0.001 BNB (Minimum buy 10 INIS = 0.01 BNB)

Maximum Total Supply: 60 million INIS

Available for Sale in Stage 1: 6 Million INIS

Selling tokens is not Inddais’ main job. We issue tokens to get a financial boost so we can stay ahead of the crypto mining race and make the most of it. However, that doesn’t mean we won’t get anything without a token sale. And that’s why you don’t see catchy ads or fancy ROI promises here. We are not “GO TO MOON GUYS” and are happy with the steady growth we have at BUMI. So people who contact me for Marketing or Promotion, please have a clear presentation. But before all that, feel free to visit my website, video presentation, whitepaper, and articles on our sub-reddit. If you feel INDDAIS deserves to be promoted and if you believe you can make a difference in spreading the word, I’m open to discussing @amvlive and waiting for GOOD IMPRESSION. If not,

What are Inddais tokens?
Inddais offers the first blockchain-powered investment opportunity of its kind that combines time-based yield farming and liquidity locked vaults in a highly transparent workflow. Inddais also acts as an INIS token which can be paid for by implementing the ERC-1363 standard along with the ERC-20 fundamentals. The immediate BNB generating vault provides an attractive return on your Inddais token investment as long as the tokens remain seeded on our yield farm.

The balance of the BNB vault continues to grow, with automatic credits directly linked to our mining results. Our innovative farming mechanism determines the return per token based on set mathematical parameters. The result calculated based on the total number of tokens seeded by the user is available for withdrawal at any time and is updated every second as soon as the season starts. Yield updates on the farm happen every second. Users can choose to withdraw in full or part of their token seed any time they want.

How to Buy INDDAIS?

Desktop: Visit the official website to purchase INIS. You just need the MetaMask plugin and some BNB in ​​it.

Inddais Token | perfect crypto journey

Inddais Tracker We have taken the honor to display the basic Inddais stats related to your tokens…

Mobile App: Download the official non-custodial INDDAIS WALLET from Google Play.

InddaisWallet: BNB & INIS – Apps on Google Play

Store BNB coins and Inddais tokens in one secure non-custodial wallet. Buy or transact easily with Inddais, INIS seeds…

Inddais Live | THIS | How does it work?

inddais #BNB #cryptocurrency #inddaisFarm #CryptoWallet

amount For You To Stay Well Informed

We have taken the honor of displaying Inddais basic stats related to your token investment. For hands-on information or more, you can always visit the contracts page under the blockchain deployment menu.

At Inddais, you are fairly rewarded for the effort you put into building a user base by spreading the word. Our unique referral program “Slice” is hardcoded directly into token contracts allowing you to earn 2% of every sale you refer. Slice payments are made at BNB directly to your wallet. Again, slices are not limited to First Purchase, you get paid for Every Purchase.

dr. Mayilvahanan Arumugam


Dr. Mayilvahanan Arumugam, is the founder & CEO of Inddais Crypto Ltd, holding a UG degree in computer science, an MBA in finance and a doctorate in Microeconomics. Being an expert coder in all verticals and an economist with the aim of transferring financial self-sufficiency from hypothesis to implementation, his rich knowledge in the subject and balanced business strategy will no doubt propel Inddais towards lasting success and growth.

A decentralized economy is not in conflict with any authority; it is simply an aspiration towards impartial availability.

The Inddais token is the foundation of the INIS ecosystem which is loaded with first-class features such as maximum decentralization, transparency, immunity to inflation or deflation, easy to handle, profitable and even easy liquidation when needed. The following is a set of rules that control how Inddais tokens work.











by ; zhenzei


MetaStocks is a crypto GAMING token created with Anti-Dump Mechanism


What is Metastock?

This is a business management game where you have to take on the role of the CEO of a COMPANY, buy several companies to become the best CEO of the year.

 Metastocks is a business management game where players take on the role of the CEO of a company. The game starts when you create a company, and players can build as many companies as they want. Each company (node) pays divided (prize).

Nodes are simply collections of data points that reward users for their creation and use. Each node generates a pre-determined number of coins/tokens. Each token can be used to create more nodes, which increases the daily reward, or they can be sold on the open market in exchange for the underlying liquidity pair coin.

Company and business

Metastock is a business management game where you have to take on the role of CEO of a COMPANY, buy several companies to become the best CEO of the year.

The game begins when you create your company. You can create as many companies as you want. Each business (node) pays dividends (rewards).

MetaStock has provided award-winning analytical tools for independent traders for almost 30 years. Our line of professional-grade trading software and data is designed for active traders of all levels. We have options for day traders, swing traders and position traders to trade stocks, options, futures, FOREX and more. Our global market data gives Thomson Reuters the world leader in real-time data and news. At the heart of MetaStock are PowerTools which give traders the ability to scan the market, backtest, apply buy and sell signals, and even view the possible future price of a particular security with the new FORECASTER MetaStock.

Nodes are collections of data points that reward users for their creation and use. Each node generates a pre-determined number of coins/tokens.

Each token generated can be used to create more nodes to increase the daily reward or sold on the market in exchange for the underlying liquidity paired coin.

The main problem that arises when implementing randomness is that the blockchain does not have a secure native source of randomness. The simplest solution — using a blockhash to generate random numbers — has historically been exploited by validators and miners who secure the underlying blockchain network.

As a verifiable random number generator, Chainlink VRF solves the blockchain randomness problem by combining block data that is still unknown when a request is made with the oracle node’s pre-committed private key to generate a random number and cryptographic proof. Metastocks smart contracts will only accept random number input if they have valid cryptographic proofs, and cryptographic tokens can only be generated if the VRF process is tamper-proof. This helps provide users with automated and publicly verifiable evidence directly on the chain that every function in the game using the Chainlink VRF for randomness is provably fair and cannot be tampered with or predicted by oracles, outside entities or the Metastocks team.

Using Chainlink VRF provides core benefits for our team and our players. For our team, we have a seamless and proven method of implementing random numbers into Metastock. For our players, the Chainlink VRF helps ensure that the integrity of the random number generator — and thus the fairness of in-game outcomes — can be independently verified.

Metastocks_tech Integrates with chainlink VRF, Keepers and Price Feeds Metastocks is a business management game where players assume the role of CEO of a company

Some of the core benefits of using Keeper include:

  • Decentralized Execution — Chainlink Keeper provides reliable, trust-minimized automation without a single point of failure, reducing risks around manual processes and centralized servers.
  • Improved Efficiency — Projects using Chainlink Keeper can reduce time spent on DevOps, minimize operational overhead, and streamline development workflows.
  • Enhanced Security — Sybil’s tamper-resistant, tamper-resistant Chainlink guards self-sign on-chain transactions, enabling automated smart contract execution without unlocking private keys.
  • Easy to use — Developers can schedule time-based automation jobs in seconds using   the codeless  UI of  Chainlink Keepers Job Scheduler .
  • Cost Reduction — Chainlink Keeper performs efficient off-chain computing for smart contracts, enabling developers to build feature-rich dApps at lower cost.

Purchase fees and dividends

Each network has different purchase costs, maintenance costs, and benefits.

As an example:

Creating a company on BSC costs 0.3 BNB, you earn 1% daily and 10% maintenance fee.

If the company is created in another chain, the manufacturing costs, profits, and maintenance costs will be different.


General information and recommendations for trading the Metastock $MTSKS token are as follows:

There will be a 0% fee for compounding.

There will be a 10% fee for claims.

There is a 0% fee for buying and 0% for selling $MTSKS tokens.

Transferring $MTSKS tokens is free.


Main feature

P2E Games

A very fun game where you will earn money by creating companies and franchises.

Very low tax

As we know that successful projects are driven by marketing alone, we created a special wallet for this but at the same time with very small taxes to attract new investors.


A p2p marketplace for users to buy and sell part or all of the franchise.


You can also borrow money from other users to buy franchises.

Company Print

Hire employees to earn more money

Create more FREE business with your earnings

Combine your returns and earn passive income. All this with 0 tax tokens.

Chainlink Announcement: August 15, 2022 16:00 UTC

Presale: August 14, 2022 17:00 UTC

Launch: August 15, 2022 17:00 UTC

Pre-sale details:

Sales type: whitelist presale (whitelist only)

Maximum contribution: 2BNB(4000 $MTSKS)

Minimum contribution: 0.1BNB


0% tax on sales and 0% tax on purchases

Team tokens are awarded.

Company Rewards Contract Incremental Release (CRCIR) tokens are awarded.

Pre-sale tokens will not be issued.

No daily sales limit


Stage 1

Make landings, games and contracts

Stage 2

Contract audit

Stage 3

Massive marketing with influencers

Stage 4

Launch and pay more marketing

Stage 5

Done developing P2E game

Stage 6

Solving the market, lending and exchanging

MTSKS is officially listed at CoinMarketCap

Continent and business


Gun manufacturers

food company

Architectural company

Real estate company

Construction company

Entertainment company

Vehicle manufacturers

Financial services company

IT company

Marketing company

Mining company

steel company

Tobacco company

Technology company

Telecommunication company

Textile company

Transportation company


CBD Laboratory

Mining company

steel company

Tobacco company

Technology company


tourism company


Fish catching


Architectural company

Real estate company

Construction company

Electronics company

Entertainment company

Financial services company

IT company — Engineering company

Engineering company

Chemical company

Technology company

Telecommunication company


Gun manufacturers

Architectural company

Real estate company

Construction company

Electronics company

Energy company

Sportswear manufacturer

Vehicle manufacturers

Computer company — Engineering company

Engineering company

Mining company

Chemical company

steel company

Technology company

Telecommunication company

Textile company

Transportation company


Mining company

steel company


tourism company


Fish catching

Leadership team

@TeslaDreams43 : CEO / Lead developer

@Rubyboy1 : Community manager

@cryptoforever2023: CMO

@crypto_dev: Senior developer



Whitepaper :


Main Group



Telegram channel:

by ; zhenzei link:;u=2579433


  mining companies, improve productivity and safety.

DuDe Coin is a digital currency that differs from other cryptocurrencies in that it focuses on providing a more user-friendly experience. With DuDe Coin, you can easily send and receive payments and keep your money safe. Also, DuDe Coin is perfect for everyday transactions as it has low transaction fees. So what exactly is DuDe Coin and how do you use it? Read on to find out!

DuDe Coin is a new cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, DuDe Coin is not controlled by a central authority. Instead, it is PEOPLE’S MONEY that the crowd supports. DuDe Coin also differs from other cryptocurrencies in that it uses a unique algorithm that makes mining difficult. As a result, DuDe Coin is rarer and potentially more valuable than other cryptocurrencies.

DuDe plans to burn 90% of all DuDe coins. That means they take the money people have invested in their companies and use it to buy back their own stock. This is a common practice among publicly traded companies and often has the effect of boosting stock prices.

DuDe coin is a new cryptocurrency that has several unique features that make it stand out from the rest. It is based on blockchain technology and uses a proof of stake algorithm, which makes it more secure and efficient than other cryptocurrencies. In addition, DuDe coin has very low transaction fees, making it ideal for use in everyday transactions. If you are interested in learning more about the DuDe coin or want to start using it yourself, be sure to check out the website for more information.

DuDe is a non-profit organization that encourages people to donate money to support various causes. The organization was founded in 2006 by two partners, and has since grown to include more than 200 members. DuDe runs various campaigns throughout the year to raise awareness and funds for various charities. The organization also provides training and resources to help people start their own fundraising campaigns. DuDe is committed to helping people make a difference in the world, and has raised millions of dollars for various charitable causes.

DuDe’s decision to *burn their coins will likely have the same effect and could result in huge payouts for investors. Of course, there is always a risk that the stock will not recover and the investor will lose his entire investment. But for those willing to take the risk, *DuDe burning can be a very profitable opportunity.

What does the People’s Money PMXX project offer us?

With PMXX People’s Money, everything is simple! This project has a very simple and clear concept! PMXX People’s Money is digital money. In a decentralized network, all actions are performed and controlled by ordinary people, completely excluding third parties. The People’s Money Ecosystem is built on the Polygon blockchain, which enables decentralized transactions. All payments are made in a peer-to-peer network. No third party is required to act as an intermediary. MBMX is your ATM and payment system! Every completed transaction is processed, confirmed and protected by the Polygon network. In addition, only 10 million PMXX tokens will be minted. This limited stock ensures that it cannot be overstated!

How does PMXX do it?

The PMXX Metal Backed Money platform runs on the Ethereum blockchain technology which enables liquidity, financial leverage and decentralized transactions.

Transactions are peer-to-peer, not involving third parties.

Utilize safe-haven precious metals, Gold and Platinum, as a store of value.

The value is directly related to the price of Gold and Platinum.

Only 10 Million coins will be minted.

Our precious metal mineral rights (Texas Mine K-150) are valued at $7.8 billion.

Why Choose People’s Money?

We all want a safe and secure investment vehicle.

We also want to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Unfortunately, most financial instruments and investment vehicles experience volatility, inflation, over-regulation, and ultimately increased income inequality.

People’s Money provides you with a safe and predictable way to grow your financial fortune.

In fact, PMXX is not ONLY an investment. This is also your savings account!

What’s more, you build personal wealth while positively impacting disadvantaged children and poor mining communities around the world.

What you need to know:

1 Trillion DuDe Coins have been issued.

DuDe will *burn 90% of all DuDe coins over the next 900 days, resulting in 10% *burning your own DuDe deposits.

The numbers don’t lie and DuDe is up 9000% due to tokennomics. In other words, you will get a great return on your initial $100 investment.

Don’t let analysis paralysis cost you another crypto unicorn. Buy $100 DuDe now, hold on for 900 days, and go $90,000 richer!

So come and join us on the PEOPLE side, make money, give back and, above all, have fun doing it!

DuDe transactions are truly peer-to-peer, putting as much money as possible back in your pocket and into the pockets of our charity partners by eliminating the need for third party intermediaries.

DuDe is run on the cutting-edge Polygon blockchain technology which means you can make transactions faster at much lower gas costs. This is a win-win!

Earn your share by buying DuDe with ETH or USDC. Buy with USDC as an investment or buy with ETH to reach our charity partners with much needed (and appreciated) funds.

The dudes have a vision of being people’s money, and they’re on the right track. With Tokenomics returning 90% of profits to investors, it’s no wonder DuDe’s growth potential has increased by 9000%. Tokens represent a new type of investment that gives people the opportunity to own a slice of the future. The Dudes are committed to ensuring their investors are well rewarded for their support. With a team passionate about their work, it’s clear Dudes will continue to find new and innovative ways to grow their business. As they say, the sky is the limit.

DuDe is a non-profit organization that encourages people to donate money to support various causes. The organization was founded in 2006 by two partners and has grown to more than 200 members. DuDe runs various campaigns throughout the year to raise awareness and funds for various charities. The organization also offers training and resources to help people start their own fundraising campaigns. DuDe is committed to helping people make a difference in the world and has raised millions of dollars for various charities.

 DuDe Coin is a new cryptocurrency that has several unique features that set it apart from the rest. It is based on blockchain technology and uses a proof-of-stake algorithm, making it more secure and efficient than other cryptocurrencies. In addition, DuDe coin has very low transaction fees, making it ideal for use in everyday transactions. If you are interested in learning more about the DuDe coin or using it yourself, be sure to visit the website for more information.


PMXX People’s Money Amount.

The total supply of PMXX is 10,000,000 tokens.

The total supply is distributed through different token exchanges to ensure easier trading. All tokens combined will never exceed the total limit of 10 Million PMXX.

Why Choose DuDe People’s Money?

· DuDe fee is ONLY 0.00077–0.0008 USD.

· DuDe will *burn 90% of all DuDe Coins.

· DuDe will *burn 10% of your DuDe Coins.

· DuDe growth potential up 9000% due to tokennomics.

· Get ​​DuDe Coins worth 100 USD — Keep for 900 days, then sell for 90 000 USD.

· And as always, HAVE FUN while doing it!

*BURN = Burn part of the token supply to increase the value of coins in the market.

· Transactions are peer-to-peer, not involving third parties.

· 1 Trillion (1 000 000 000 000) DuDe Coin has been issued.

· DuDe People’s Money is all about helping those who are less fortunate. Buy DuDe with ETH to help the World.

· DuDe People’s Money ( directly supports Afifi Alaouie and the Charitable Organization



by ; zhenzei link:;u=2579433

Crypto Pirates

Crypto Pirates: Is a digital money venture reserve for the general population and offers interesting speculation.

What is a Crypto Pirate?

Crypto Pirates is a game about pirates, treasure and epic battles. But it’s not just an ordinary game. This is the first in-game marketplace that allows players to sell their items and get paid in Cryptocurrencies. This is a revolutionary idea that will change the way people think about video games and virtual items. Cryptocurrency is the new gold, and the only way to get it is to mine it. But mining is difficult and expensive, which is why we created a way for you to have the best “crypto” experience. With Crypto Pirates, you can get all the gold you want, upgrading your ship as you go!

Crypto Pirates is a multiplayer online game running on the blockchain. As a player, you can explore the map, buy and sell items, trade with other players, battle pirates, and claim territory. Since the game runs on the blockchain, everything you do is transparent and immutable. There is no centralized server, so no one to trick you. The gameplay is blockchain and smart contract driven. The game has its own cryptocurrency, which is required to buy, sell and trade anything in the game.

Crypto Pirates is an online game with a twist. This is a game that allows you to buy items and sell them for a profit. This is a game where you can buy and sell weapons, ships and castles. This is a game that allows you to create an economy and make a living from it. This is a game that lets you play from any device and from anywhere in the world. This is a game that lets you play in a life-sized sandbox world. This is a game where you can meet and play with up to 500 people. This is a game where you can team up with your friends and play with them, or work against them. This is an exciting game because it is realistic. A game where you get to live the life of a pirate. Where you can buy and sell anything you want. By turning.

How to Invest in Crypto-Pirate

The Crypto Pirates project is a Blockchain based game that combines the best of RPG, Trading Card Game, strategy and role-playing game into one game. Players take on the role of captain of a ship on the high seas with a pirate crew. His mission is to find treasure and become the richest pirate in the seven seas. You can buy, sell and collect virtual items in the game. Think of Crypto-Pirates as a mix of popular games: RuneScape, Diablo 2, Space-Trading and RPG games. The most interesting part is that you can sell the items you find in your adventures and make real money. And it’s not just about making money. You can use the virtual items you find in-game or buy them to upgrade your captain’s skills or exchange them for a cryptocurrency exchange. With every transaction,

What are the Benefits of Investing in Crypto-Pirate

The benefits of investing in Crypto-Pirates are many. One of the most important features is that it is simply a game that you can play while benefiting from dividends and growth in your investment. This is not a scam, but the real deal. The game is based on the collectible type game, which has become popular in the last decade with the advent of blockchain. The funny thing about the word “investment” is that it means something very different to different people. For some, that means buying a stock and hoping it goes up. This game is unique, and offers something you won’t find anywhere else. The idea behind Crypto-Pirates is to give users the ability to invest in their own unique digital artwork. Crypto-Pirates is one of the hottest blockchain games out there.

Investing in crypto pirates is a way to get into the crypto world. Crypto-Pirates is an NFT game on the Ethereum blockchain. NFT is a crypto game that pays dividends in Ethereum (ETH). As a crypto game, it is not like an ordinary game that can be played on the internet, but a blockchain-based internet game. The difference is that the user plays the game using NFT and he does not use any currency to play the game. Users will earn ETH by playing games. There are several other benefits that users can get by having NFT.

What is a Crypto Pirate?

Crypto Pirates is a game about pirates, treasure and epic battles. But it’s not just an ordinary game. This is the first in-game marketplace that allows players to sell their items and get paid in Cryptocurrencies. This is a revolutionary idea that will change the way people think about video games and virtual items. Cryptocurrency is the new gold, and the only way to get it is to mine it. But mining is difficult and expensive, which is why we created a way for you to have the best “crypto” experience. With Crypto Pirates, you can get all the gold you want, upgrading your ship as you go!

Crypto Pirates is a multiplayer online game running on the blockchain. As a player, you can explore the map, buy and sell items, trade with other players, battle pirates, and claim territory. Since the game runs on the blockchain, everything you do is transparent and immutable. There is no centralized server, so no one to trick you. The gameplay is blockchain and smart contract driven. The game has its own cryptocurrency, which is required to buy, sell and trade anything in the game.


Why develop Crypto Pirates?

The main goal of the project is to create an interesting gameplay that will appeal to players and will provide an opportunity to earn tokens. We wanted to create not only another project for NFT holders, but, above all, an interesting game for everyone, even for those who are not ready to shop. Crypto Pirates is an online game with a twist. This is a game that allows you to buy items and sell them for a profit. This is a game where you can buy and sell weapons, ships and castles. This is a game that allows you to create an economy and make a living from it. This is a game that lets you play from any device and from anywhere in the world.

This is a game that lets you play in a life-sized sandbox world. This is a game where you can meet and play with up to 500 people. This is a game where you can team up with your friends and play with them, or work against them. This is an exciting game because it is realistic. A game where you get to live the life of a pirate. Where you can buy and sell anything you want. By turning.

Crypto-Pirates game was created to provide a unique gaming experience, not to enrich developers. Each game item can be purchased with in-game currency, which you can receive by selling your resources and products to other players. The in-game marketplace is fully automated and allows players to trade their resources and products. Once you get enough points, you can freely invest in the game by expanding your port and hiring more pirates. The more time you spend playing, the more money you will have to invest in the game. As a result, you can get your investment back at a profit that you will receive in the future.

Crypto-Pirates is an online game that allows players to trade and invest virtual gold earned in the game for real money. The game is one of the most popular online games and is played by more than 6 million players worldwide. The game is easy to learn but hard to master, which makes it a great game for beginners to learn how to trade online. This is why people make a lot of money playing this game.


Why was the Crypto Pirates Game Invented?

Currently, online games can be obtained easily by anyone, from adults to children. And their goals for playing games are also different, ranging from just looking for entertainment, social education to making money through playing games like those offered by Crypto Pirates. By being pirate-based and using the internet to play it, Crypto Pirates can be played simultaneously using the devices you have, such as smartphones and computers that are connected via a crypto wallet that you use to the Crypto Pirates platform. Crypto Pirates uses the Metaverse Method, so players can benefit from the games they play. And can interact directly with other players in cyberspace.

Why Crypto Pirates Game Is So Interesting To Play?

Crypto Pirates is an online game that uses the internet to play it. So to be successful in this game, you are required to always be connected to the internet network. But what distinguishes the Crypto Pirates game from other games is that you don’t invest in advance to be able to play and make a profit in the Crypto Pirates game. You only need a personal Wallet, namely a Metamask wallet or other wallet that supports it and an internet network to earn income. Because the Crypto Pirates project will provide profits for investors and players. Namely providing an opportunity on how to get involved in online marketing that aims to help attract customers’ attention to the products owned by investors. And get $Pst Tokens for free without the need to invest first, like requirements for other games. This is an advantage for the players. What do you all think? Of course we all want to try our luck in the Crypto Pirates game.



PVE (Players Vs Enemies)

Players will be able to face monsters head-on and collect useful resources that they can use to fight and defeat stronger opponents. Bosses are one of the core sources of tokens in the game, and you can beat them all alone or collaborate with your friends.


The implementation of co-op screens can help players travel as far as possible and earn huge rewards. Traveling further means you find it harder to find your way back.

PVP (Player Vs Player)

In the game, players will meet other players, either randomly or by challenging them to a duel, you will receive trophies when you take them from defeated enemies.

In-game market and economy

There are three entities in the game: resources, piastres, trophies

Resources Resources

power is used to repair the ship during combat and exploration. Dropped from the mob and found while sailing. Resources are lost after death.


Piastres was used to repair ships in the harbor and to buy artifacts. Piastress cannot be lost in PvP. It is very rare for piasters to be found while sailing.


Trophies are collected from defeated monsters and players. The greater the power of the boss, the more trophies you get for killing him. Part of the trophy is lost if PVP dies. Once a day, players are awarded a number of piastres based on the number of trophies collected. The trophy counter is then reset to zero.



Crypto Pirates Play-to-Earn game advantages:

Free to start, but NFT owners can enter the game faster than others

Opportunity to earn without initial investment

NFT participates in the game and increases players’ earnings

Each new batch of NFT does not devalue the previous one

Wide use of tokens in game

Sailing together

cross platform

Over time, developers will create their marketplace to make it easier for players to shop. They plan to introduce functionality that allows players and merchants to check the current state of their NFT before deciding which one to sell or buy.


Over time, we will create our own marketplace to make it easier for our players to shop. Crypto Pirates is constantly being updated and improved, and we plan to introduce functionality that allows players and merchants to check their current NFT status before deciding which to sell or buy.

NFT can be traded in our marketplace.

After buying and selling them in the game, the owner of the object will receive a profit that allows him to earn more tokens.

Seed Turn — 4% — 40000000
Personal Selling — 14% — 140000000
IDO – 4% – 40000000
Team — 18% — 180000000
Marketing — 15% — 150000000
Ecosystem — 45% 450000000


Types of games on the CryptoPirates Platform
© Game process, Be a smart person and full of the right tactics to be able to win every battle you do to become a true pirate. You are free to do anything in this game. Because the more ruthless you are, the greater the victory you will achieve.

© Sending, you will receive a free ship when registering on the CryptoPirates platform. And running or not the ship you have depends on you run it. And the more you play, the more likely you are to succeed in this game.

© Artifacts, Artifacts can also be interpreted as stone, metal and bone tools, pottery, plate and paper inscriptions, metal weapons, terracotta and animal horns. In CryptoPirates, gamers can snatch it from enemy leaders. Because this artifact serves as a protector or also as a weapon to win the battle.

© Captain, The captain is responsible for the safety of the sailors aboard his ship, and it takes an experienced captain to win every battle. Because the captain is responsible for the safety of the cruise. Crew, Seafarers are people who work on board a ship as part of its crew, and may work in any of a number of different areas related to the operation and maintenance of ships. This includes everyone working in the team. And required to have NFT in accordance with their respective skills.

Partners and Media

Pirates can also be called pirates, which means robberies carried out at sea, even on the beach. Crypto Pirates is an online game that uses the internet to play it. So to be successful in this game, you are required to always be connected to the internet network. But what distinguishes the Crypto Pirates game from other games is that you don’t invest in advance to be able to play and make a profit in the Crypto Pirates game. You only need a personal Wallet, namely a Metamask wallet or other wallet that supports it and an internet network to earn income. Games can be addictive, and harmful to health. In addition, online games have a bad impact in the near future and in the long term so as not to cause a prolonged bad impact. please share your time well.


Twitter: t =wGv2faH_SCGurnSClQFvUw&s=09

by ; zhenzei


Soft Launching of Metaverse Based Video Game Bridge In Gain

 Facebook changed the name of the organization to Meta, the term Metaverse became an interesting issue. While it may sound confusing from the start, gamers have become involved with the Metaverse idea for their number of gaming professions.

Metaverse is a very broad and complex technology. The world of Metaverse is a completely different world in the Computer room. This requires access via (VR), Virtual Reality or (AU) Augmented Reality. This Metaverse can be accessed through Personal Computers, Phones and Game Consoles. Metaverse is a vast space in the Digital world which has its own economy where users will be able to sell and buy goods. Metaverse has an interoperable feature that allows users to take things like clothes, cars from one place to another. . Metaverse allows users to buy virtual Lands, build them, and rent them out. This is quite an amazing technology that will revolutionize the digital world. In this article, I will discuss about the Big Metaverse platform,

If you’ve been a gamer your whole life, the idea of ​​a metaverse might sound natural to you. All MMORPGs and other pretend games have their own universe where players can investigate, make friends, and even shop from NPCs in exchange for the standard in-game monetary. But most of these games don’t require a VR headset, they also have their own metaverse ideas. Games like World of Warcraft, Knight Online, Pokémon welcome players to visit their dreamland, and the current metaverse idea hopes to achieve something nearly identical while focusing on the corners of the original.

BigMetaverse’s goal is to build a large Decentralized Metaverse ecosystem where users will be able to explore, participate in activities, collaborate, learn and do all sorts of things together. It’s like the real world but the BigMetaverse world will be limited to the Virtual world. Users will be able to connect friends all over the world, chat with them, Play Games together, and engage in shared activities. BigMetaverse will allow users to create and monetize their content. It only offers a blockchain powered platform where content creators monetize virtual products, interactive 3D models. All these activities are supported by the use of cryptocurrencies and Smart contract technology.

Content creators earn tokens by sharing their creativity with others. BigMetaverse offers a decentralized metadata registry for the Web3 ecosystem, the protocol is capable of storing, indexing, and searching metadata attached to smart contracts. Day by day many people adopt Metaverse, they start to experience VR and AR (Augmented Reality) technology.

How does the Big Metaverse work

: Very good project . I’m sure this project will have a lot of interest when it launches because this project has a solid team structure and very good project trust. I am sure that when it launches, there will be a lot of interest in this project because this project has a solid and reliable team structure. This project is one of the most creative and revolutionary of all! pleasures that I will be wary of. In my opinion, one of the best projects.

Most of us already know blockchain technology as the core foundation of the crypto ecosystem. The versatile features associated with this technology have led to the popularity of cryptocurrencies attracting not only a loyal user base but also institutional investors and large corporations. But blockchain is not limited to just cryptocurrencies, it can cause a paradigm shift in almost every industry related to information storage and data protection as it has the ability to decentralize operations without relying on any authority to control data.

This project, and the team have built a strong community with great potential. Lucky project. Great project with a really cool idea! I believe in their success. The increasing popularity and adoption of cryptocurrencies by millions of users raises serious concerns about network congestion and scalability of different blockchain networks. Apart from increasing cryptocurrency trading, decentralized finance also increases the load on these networks. The promising nature of blockchain has led to the development of many new protocols including yield farming, liquidity pools, and mining platforms on an already dense blockchain.

What is meant by metaverse?

In order to understand the nuts and bolts of the Metaverse, however, we’ll have to take off the gaming glasses for a bit. Imagine the web that we use consistently to buy things on the web or play games with our friends. The entire web experience we have accessible to us today is essentially two-layered. While the applications we use occasionally may have three-layer components in them, we for all intents and purposes use two-layer input techniques such as PCs, phones and tablets.

Metaverse’s idea took all of the web’s insights and redesigned it into a three-layered space. This really means that with the right hardware, a VR headset, clients will get the opportunity to magically quickly take them to their #1 store and maybe try on clothes from the comfort of their homes before deciding to ask for them.

When venturing into the Metaverse, clients will really want to create a computerized rendition of themselves that will act as their follow-up twin. It’s currently confused whether there might be a solitary metaverse later or a lot of them, but many organizations today are battling each other as far as quality goes to make the best metaverse items, and take up the lion’s share of the entire industry.

Because of the Metaverse, people shouldn’t be driving to work constantly as they will have the option of earning in their organization’s meeting rooms in the blink of an eye. This is where it all gets interesting. If we somehow reveal that there will be a solitary metaverse project that will create it, other organizations and elements will have to pay a special fee to also exist in the Metaverse.

What is the BIG Metaverse?

Investigate and plan virtual universes with reasonable representations based on Binance blockchain conventions. Build a city with a variety of interesting properties, chaos that allows you to swim to fly in the advantages of the regular biological system of the BIG Metaverse.

Big Metaverse connects today’s reality with a virtual world available to clients everywhere. Players will be given astonishing real encounters while having the option to profit from each playthrough.

The following is the identity information and token distribution:

  • Name: Big Metaverse
  • Symbol: BIG
  • Network: BSC
  • Decimal: 9
  • Seed sale: 10% of $BIG tokens sold on TGE for 10 months 25% of $BIG tokens sold on TGE for 4 months
  • Presale: 75% of $BIG tokens sold on TGE for 25% per month
  • Public sale: $BIG tokens will be unlocked and can be sold on TGE
  • Staking rewards: every $BIG token staked will be reserved and unlocked at strategic times
  • Liquidity pool: $BIG token liquidity will be locked for 5 years
  • Marketing: 10% of $BIG tokens will be reserved for marketing needs
  • Development: The $BIG token will be reserved for the commercial development entity BIG studio which will open at a strategic time

HUGE Roadmap

Q1   — The first step in our journey is to carefully design concepts and ideas and then proceed to form a team. After the team is formed, we carry out technology and ecosystem research followed by prototyping and making a final decision on the plan to be implemented.

Then we also legalized the company, and illustrated the concept of Bridge in Gain. The preparation of game design documents and making prototypes was continued with the development of the company’s website.

Q2   — Next, the conceptualized idea is designed into a 3D asset for Bridge in the Gain Metaverse and followed by the development of the system and the ecosystem within it. Then, we will also develop tenant applications and player super apps for your business needs.

Also in this quarter, we developed the web, and integrated it with the Unity system. After that, we also checked the quality of the products made through quality assurance and continued with Alpha Test and Pre-release news.

Q3   — In the third quarter, we conducted a Beta Test and continued with the release of Bridge in Gain Metaverse V.1. Then, we issue tokens and issue a whitepaper. After that, BIG coins will be listed on pancakeswap, coinmarketcap, and coinecko.

In addition, we also innovate by launching BIG FIN-X Wallet as a non-cash transaction tool. Then we audit smart contracts through certificate audits followed by licenses from various exchanges such as Tokocrypto and Indodax. In addition to permits from the stock exchange, we also applied for permits to CoFTRA and Bank Indonesia.

Q4   — After the license is obtained, we will develop the NFT starting from Field Development, Flats and Offices. We also built our own Blockchain to make it easier for users to transact at a cheaper and faster price.

Next up, coin issuance and smart contract creation. Compilation and publication of the V.2 whitepaper, then we will launch the BIG Marketplace followed by the release of Bridge in the Gain Metaverse V.2.

Token Details & Reference

Blockchain-based game technology development complete with digital currency called BIG Token built on Binance Smart Chain.

This game can be played for free and or paid for, any form of purchase is an asset that is entitled to the player with a deflation mechanism.

BIG Token has a total supply of 250,000,000 with a transparency system to create a more secure Bridge In Gain Metaverse environment, each token will be distributed during the Token Generation Event (TGE) according to a predetermined time period.


Metacoms — Metaverse 3D P2P Crypto transfer on NFT based platform

Centralized systems have long been at the center of all solutions for business, communications, studies, and more. However, cracks began to appear. A single point of failure often occurs with centralized applications and makes the solutions offered unsustainable. The world needs a multifunctional solution for communication. A platform is needed that will offer a communication solution that is secure, easy to use, affordable and has many features to choose from, which are essential for communication. Innovative ways to move from centralized to decentralized solutions have given rise to more sustainable options for all business industries. One of the leaders in the communications industry is Metacoms.

About Metacoms
Metacoms opens the Metaverse for all app makers to create any kind of 3D or VR experience. Choose your point of interaction to create the app. There are possibilities for all. Simple with no coding requirements, moderate with some coding, advanced, or beyond for accomplished coders. Mine your Metaverse apps to NFT and start using or selling them in your own space and in NFT commercial hubs.

What is Metacom?

Metacoms — a fully functional communication platform embedded with Metaverse features and multiple digital stores for you to monetize Metaverse. Metacoms is leading the way with their blockchain platform with a Meta app store, P2P transfers, facial feature verification, space and space in virtual reality, and an NFT compatible platform, to name just a few. The future of the internet is the Metaverse. Let’s embrace it with Metacoms.

Metacoms is a fully functional communication platform that brings you the best of the metaverse. They also plan to increase user revenue in the metaverse. Metacoms is for those who have been looking for a platform that will allow them to build metaverse apps, and that too, without needing to code. There is also an option for experienced coders to build professional applications within the ecosystem. Also in the picture is their NFT store and native Metac tokens, both of which help expand the ecosystem and facilitate progress over the long term, along with the option to directly transfer crypto tokens to other users on Metacoms.

Metacoms Key Features
Metaverse 3D — Metaverse is the buzzword on the internet today. More than that, it will become a new standard in the future. Users can enjoy the bar on the platform, join any room they need, or simply create their own; meeting room, shop, living room, etc. And soon, users can quickly move from Metaverse 2D to 3D. It makes interactions between coworkers and partners not only pragmatic but also enjoyable.

Third Party VR Engine — In the created space, users can initiate any data they want to share with colleagues, classmates, business partners, etc. For example, create a Café Room and invite their friends to join them in watching a game of their choice: UEFA Champions, Euro League, or Formula 1. Users can share the art they have created with whomever they want, or show their colleagues how their company fared last year through a 3D webinar.

P2P crypto transfer — A new way to send tokens to other users is up and running. Users no longer have to send their tokens in the dark, but transfer them using the Metacoms space to contact other users when sending them tokens. Users can be absolutely sure that the right person gets their token, just by clicking the transfer button and making a video call at the same time.

NFT Platform — NFT on blockchain is the future of art, gaming and many more industries that will join the most secure network — blockchain. Metacom will be available to import NFT into 3D space. Users can also bring their NFT art gallery into a customized 3D space. You can easily create and mine them on NFT. Use or sell on MetaPlace. Buy NFT Metacoms system to get more functionality, and to earn passive or active income.

Secure blockchain — The Metacoms platform provides a secure environment as it is a decentralized system, which doesn’t even store call log details. Thus, effectively solve the problem of data leakage. Metacom uses secure communications that cannot be hacked. This is achieved by moving text chats on the blockchain and securing video and audio streams with the blockchain.

Rates for Metacoms
Third party App Store and development interface for users.

The number of third-party high-quality applications is unmatched. Worldwide ads by third party app makers. KYC ID verification (voluntary).
Businesses are more accessible and more private by conducting KYC checks at a central point. It is easier to recognize users and distinguish them from fraudsters. Also, usage policy or login at age is possible. Avatar scan and verification Facial resemblance to photo ID (voluntary).
Great service to create your Avatar, easy, fast and with high resemblance. Information about face verification is visible to all users and provides social benefits. For example for popular online dating. Move Packages to a dedicated center for the most used ones. (optional to buy premium place)
Plans are provided for free with a low threshold to join Metcoms. Make Metacoms Metaverse more interesting by feeling alive than the ghost towns that are now created. The NFT system is sold in bulk for users to sell P2P.
Not only direct revenue from the platform, but users generate revenue and promote the NFT Metacoms they sell.

token METAC

METAC is the native token of the Metacoms ecosystem, based on the Binance Smart Chain used for platform utilities such as NFT trading, unlocking special features in rooms. P2P crypto transfers are also carried out via METAC tokens.



Token Name: Metacoms
Token Ticker: METAC
Token Type: 50 Million
Network: BEP-20
Price 1 METAC = 0.12 USD



project team
Antony Chang

Antony Chang

CEO & Founder

Related Antony ChangHemant Pancholi

Hemant Pancholi

CTO & Co-founder

Hemant Pancholi terkaitAmir Naghavi

Amir Naghavi

Mobile Main Developer & Founder

Link Amir NaghaviAnkita Pancholi

Ankita Pancholi

Main Developer & Founder

Related Ankita PancholiGvantsa Bukuri

Gvantsa Bukuri

Executive Assistant

Related Gvantsa BukuriMartin Laur (BA)

Martin Laur (BA)

Compliance Manager

Related Martin Laur (BA)Suraj Jaiswal

Suraj Jaiswal

Marketing Manager

Related Suraj JaiswalHarpreet Singh

Harpreet Singh

Product designer

Harpreet SinghBobby MN

Bobby MN

Community manager

Daniel Ajibola

Daniel Ajibola

Community manager

Saepul Muhtadin

Saepul Muhtadin

Community manager

Mahdi Abdi

Mahdi Abdi

business manager

Mahdi Abdi linkedinLamidi Muhammad

Lamidi Muhammad

Community manager



Community manager

Ali Allal

Ali Allal

Community manager

Zied Chaabane

Zied Chaabane

ICO Advisor

Zied Chaabane is connectedHenk van der Heijden

Henk van der Heijden

Advisors & Shareholders

Henk van der Heijden is relatedAdrian Niculescu

Adrian Niculescu

Advisors & Shareholders


Transparency, efficiency, sustainability and security are important in organizations, and these help improve business performance. While many centralized platforms fail to offer their clients the things mentioned above, Metacoms will make a difference. Metacoms has the solution because it is a multi-featured communication platform that enables organizations to make internal communications faster and easier and increase productivity and efficiency. Metacoms has the transparency needed, the long-desired efficiency, and the expected sustainability and security to deliver the results every organization deserves.

Metacoms $ METAC #Metaverse _APP #Metaverse #blockchian #crypto #BNB #cryptolife #BUSD #BSC #digitalassets #Gaming #BinanceSmartChain

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by ; zhenzei



TALETE CODE is the best automatic interest payment and automatic staking protocol\

What is APY?

Annual Percentage Yield stands for Annual Percentage Yield. It calculates the actual rate of return of your main token amount after taking into account the impact of compound interest on your main token amount. With Talete code, your $TALETE token represents your principal, and compound interest is calculated daily on each Rebase event that occurs every 10 minutes. Your new principal amount is the sum of your current Mind token amount plus your new rebase token amount, plus applicable taxes. This total amount is used to calculate your rebase incentive for the next rebase.

It should be noted that the annual yield percentage (APY) does not develop linearly, but rather exponentially over time! Assuming a daily compound interest rate of 2.5 percent, if you start with a balance of one $TALETE on the first day, your balance will increase to approximately 4510.59 $TALETE after one year.


In recent years, blockchain technology has developed rapidly. However, the issue of interoperability between multiple blockchains is becoming increasingly prominent. With the development of internet technology, the integration of various types of systems is becoming more common. We can now easily share information across multiple platforms and devices. On the other hand, it is difficult for different blockchain networks to communicate with each other nowadays.

I would like to provide information about a project called TALETE CODE. CODE TALETE is a decentralized financial asset that rewards users with a sustainable, compound interest model powered by blockchain technology. It is a financial system that makes betting simpler, more efficient and rewards $TALETE token holders the most stable returns directly to their wallets. It is based on the TALETE Auto-Staking Protocol and Auto-Reflection (ASPAR). This is a very experienced group in the TALETECODE team. For more than two decades, our management has worked in the real and derivatives financial sectors. Pricing and rebase rewards for TALETE CODE are backed by a complex set of criteria.

With automatic staking and compounding capabilities, it provides the token with the highest Fixed Annual Percentage Yield (APY) in the market, at 450158 percent for the first year. In just one year, TALETE CODE, a new brand based on DeFi innovation, enables its holders to achieve financial independence. As a result, it is the fastest automatic incorporation system in cryptocurrency, paying each TALETE Token holder every 10 minutes (144 times per day). TOKEN BURNING “PARTY FIRE” 3 percent The largest automated token burning method stops circulating supply from becoming unmanageable and unsustainable.

Benefits if you hold TALETE Tokens ($TALETE)

Safe Betting – Automated betting is the best way to increase your wealth as it does not involve any additional effort on your part. With TALETE, there are no complicated systems to master, no masternodes or staking services to set up, no high-tech hardware or software to install. All you need to do is buy and hold TALETE tokens and watch your fortune grow! You can choose to bet TALETE and get rewards in ETH. Any amount of TALETE that you store in your wallet can be staked for at least 1 month. After the 1 month staking period, you can claim the rewards directly in your wallet.

Low risk with our TALETE YOUR INSURANCE (TYI) – Maximum possible proportion used to maintain our environment. The TYI Fund comprises 6% of all trading fees, which are used to achieve a variety of goals, including the best profitable returns, stability and long-term sustainability.

Fastest Auto-compounding – The TALETE protocol is the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto. It pays each Token Holder every 10 minutes and 144 times daily, making it the fastest auto-incorporation protocol in crypto. Each token holder can decide to buy new tokens or sell existing tokens on the market. Any protocol user holding any tokens during the round will receive daily payouts provided by all running algorithms. This means that any token holder has the potential to become a trader as well.

Best APY – After 12 months, TALETE is paying 450158 percent, which is the highest payout rate available today. During the predetermined Long Term Interest Cycle time, the interest rate will decrease after the first 12 months.

Those who hold at least 500 TALETE$ tokens in their wallet automatically receive a daily reward. On January 1st, everyone who has staked a minimum of 500 TALETE$ will be able to withdraw their stake plus their earnings. It will also be possible on the 1st of every month from then on.

Tokenomics Explained

Programmed LP

5% of the exchange fee goes back to liquidity which guarantees an increase in the insurance price of $TALETE.


2% of purchases and 2% of transactions go directly to RFV-compliant storage.Talete Your Insurance

6% of exchange fees are transferred to RFV/TYI wallets that support and support staking rewards provided by positive rebases. Consumption

3% of the exchange fee is sent from a protected consumption address.#taletecode #staking #defiyield #defi #bsc #highesfixedapy #titano #bitcoin

Writing code is a complex task. It takes knowledge, patience and time. But it doesn’t have to be that difficult. Using tools to help you code can make the whole process easier and faster. Coding is an integral part of many businesses today. If you’re a programmer, you’ve probably heard of a tool that helps you write better and faster code, Taletecode is developed by developers for developers. Our goal is to make your coding life easier by adding and improving features that help you write code faster and with less effort. We are also working to make Taletecode accessible to as many developers as possible. We hope this is helpful and With this knowledge, we know that you can improve your skills, and with the help of our program, you can write code better and faster. So what are you waiting for? Try Taletecode now.

Tokenomics Explained

Auto LP : 5% of the trading fee goes back to liquidity ensuring an increase in the guaranteed value of $TALETE.
TREASURY : 2% of purchases and 2% of sales go directly to treasuries that support RFV.
YOUR INSURANCE TALETE: 6% of trading fees are transferred to the RFV/TYI wallet which helps maintain and support the betting rewards provided by positive rebase.
BURN : 3% of trading fee is sent to a secure burning address.

How We Secure Our Prices

6% TYI : Highest percentage to protect our community. 6% of all trading fees are deposited in the TYI Fund, which helps to achieve various outcomes, including the most profitable, stability and long-term sustainability.
3% BURN : Our automatic token burn system prevents circulating supply with the highest burn of 3% of TALETE Token transactions.
Private Sale: 1 BNB = 25 $ TALETE
Pinksale: 1 BNB = 18 $ TALETE
Pancakeswap: 1 BNB = 12 $ TALETE


Website Development
White Paper Documentation
Build Phase – Smart Contract
Build Phase -dApp V1 Dashboard
Deployment Phase – Smart Contract –
Testnet Solidity Financial Audit
Deployment Phase – Smart Contract Deployment – Mainnet
Deployment Phase – V1 dApp Dashboard
Starting and Promoting a Discord Community
PR Marketing
Bounty Campaign
Pre-Launch Marketing
Fair Launch at PinkSale
PinkLock Liquidity Locked
Twitter Marketing Campaign
YouTube Marketing Campaign
Register CoinMarketCap
Certik App
Audit Certik
Airdrop Campaign
Register CoinGecko

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Twitter : https:/ /

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Medium :

Reddit : https://www

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by ; zhenzei


LAMBO FINANCE | briefly discuss the LAMBO Finance website

 Hello friends! Lambo defi auto staking and auto compounding blockchain protocols have been discussed. Lambo defi is a next generation protocol based on Lambo defi technology. It will be a global blockchain network enabling all users to safely, quickly and easily operate, trade and exchange their crypto assets. The Lambo defi network is the result of the tireless efforts of the team and partners. This team is working hard, and its size is growing every day.

LAMBO Financial platform is a powerful project! Teams are closely connected to the community and easily accessible to share new ideas or address issues. I hope this project has dynamic growth. Lambo is a powerful project! Teams are closely connected to the community and easily accessible to share new ideas or address issues. I hope this dynamic Lambo project is an opportunity to be a part of something that will contribute a lot to the growth of the cryptocurrency industry. Join now and invest with it can bring many benefits in the future. This is sure to be a successful Lambo project as it has a great team that is more than qualified and focused on making this project a success. I have no doubts about this project and it will surely achieve great success at Lambo Finance.


Lambo aims to provide the most secure and efficient blockchain protocol on the market that will allow users to create their own tokens, tokenize assets, issue smart contracts and develop decentralized applications.

It is a protocol with its own lottery, dice games, sweepstakes and other facilities. It uses the Ethereum blockchain for decentralized transactions, smart contracts, and a transparent ledger system.

 LAMBO is transforming DeFi with the LAMBO Autostaking Protocol that provides the industry’s highest fixed APY, rebasing rewards every 8 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio in your wallet.

Lambo Finance is the first and only auto-staking protocol that provides decentralized financial assets that reward users with a continuous fixed APY of up to 900,368.31% on BNB & SHIB & LAMBO. Here are some of the benefits for $LAMBO holders:

Highest APY – Lambo paid at 900,368.31% APY.

Fast and Furious – Lambo rebase rewards will be distributed every 8 minutes or 180 times daily, making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto.

Insurance – 2.5% – 5% of all trading fees are deposited in Lambo Insurance which helps to maintain and support wagering rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.

Treasury – 2.5% – 5% of all trading fees will be kept in Treasury to develop the Lambo ecosystem.

Auto-Liquidity: 1.5% – 3% will be used to increase liquidity automatically every 48 hours.

Auto Token Burn – The Dead Valley burns 1% – 2% of all Lambo Tokens per trade.

BNB Passive Income – 1.25% – 2.5% of all trading fees will be used to buy BNB and divided equally among $LAMBO holders every 24 hours.

SHIB LOVER – 1.25% – 2.5% of all trading fees will be used to purchase Shiba Inu Tokens (SHIB) and divided equally to $LAMBO investors every 24 hours.

$ LAMBO Token

Name: Lambo Finance

Ticker: $LAMBO

Maximum supply: 20,000,000,000 LAMBO

Initial supply: 1,000,000 LAMBO

Team: 0%

mint addition: no

Trading Fee

Purchase Fee (total 10%):

  • 2.5% — Insurance
  • 2.5% — Treasury
  • 1.5% — Automatic Liquidity
  • 1.0% — Dead Valley
  • 1.25% — BNB Passive Income
  • 1.25% – Shib lover

Cost of Sales (20% total):

  • 5.0% — Insurance
  • 5.0% — Treasury
  • 3.0% — Automatic Liquidity
  • 2.0% — Valley of the Dead
  • 2.5% — BNB Passive Income
  • 2.5% – Shib lover


Website Development

White Paper Documentation

Apply Smart Contract

Pre-launch Marketing

PR Marketing

Airdrop Campaign

Bounty Campaign

Fair Launch at PinkSale

Register CoinMarketCap

Register CoinGecko

5,000 Token Holders

10,000 Token Holders

15,000 Token Holders

20,000 Token Holders

25,000 Token Holders

50,000 Token Holders

100,000 Token Holders

250,000 Token Holders

500,000 Token Holders

Market Cap 10 Million

Market Cap 25 Million

Market Cap 50 Million

Market Cap 100 Million

Market Cap 200 Million

Market Cap 300 Million

Market Cap 400 Million

Market Cap 500 Million

Market Cap 1 Billion

Swap Lambo

Lambo NFT

Lambo Metaverse

Lambo No Loss Lottery

Lambo Bet

Lambo X-to-get

Lambo DAO

Other Lambo dapp web3

LAMBO contracts audited and registered

Dear LAMBO family! LAMBO contracts are audited and registered, check the report via the link below.

Project website :

Audit report on GitHub:

Audit report on Website:

Other information:


Whitepaper :

Medium :

Telegram :


Twitter :

Reddit :

Launch App:

by ; zhenzei link:;u=2579433


AUFIN DEFI: Allows you to earn passive income in cryptocurrencies without the need for manual intervention.

Aufin is an AI-driven blockchain protocol powered by a new class of Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Computing. Aufin defines a data structure called Cognitive Object, to store valuable data. Cognitive Objects are linked together in immutable blockchain-based graphs, and can be queried, updated, and shared by third parties. This enables a new form of open data that is decentralized, transparent and accountable. Aufin provides on-demand and trusted data by facilitating a marketplace where data providers can monetize their data and data consumers can buy the data they need from trusted sources. Aufin has a very attractive token sale structure. There is a total supply of 100 million tokens, with 60% of them being sold to the public in two stages, the first is private selling. The remaining 40% will be sold through two public sales, for a total of 10 million tokens sold each time. The public sale price will be lowered slightly each time to create a discount for early buyers.
The #Aufin Protocol makes decentralized finance (DeFi) friendlier and more accessible to casual investors. One way they do this is through the #Aufin Autostaking Protocol which provides an innovative, user-friendly approach to earning rewards that can be deposited into one’s own portfolio and earn interest independently of any centralized payment system.
The #Aufin Autostaking protocol is designed to be friendly and accessible to new investors. By using AI technologies such as machine learning and deep reinforcement learning, it will make #Aufin confident in its role as the most profitable blockchain-based investment platform in existence while regularly rewarding users. Along with its ongoing features, such as payments at any time, this is a platform like no other that will ensure that you get the returns you need while keeping your investment safe and anonymous.
Aufin Protocol revolutionizes #DeFi with the #Aufin Autostaking Protocol offering the highest fixed APY, rebasing rewards every 10 minutes, and an intuitive buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio securely in your wallet.
#Aufin was founded on changing things for the better — literally. We are here to improve the lives of those around us by making them more financially secure and creating a means through which they will be able to take care of themselves and their loved ones if necessary.
#Aufin seeks to develop a decentralized financial application that allows users to benefit from this service. Some of their service offerings have $AUN tokens as rewards for active participation or passive use.

AUFIN #Aufin Insurance is a 5% risk buffer used to help stabilize token prices. It also helps to ensure that all stakeholders will receive their rewards, even if the market experiences an unexpected downturn.
With #Aufin tokens, you will always have access to your tokens and can use them in your business as freely as you need at any given point 24/7 when needed. All you have to do is buy & hold as you automatically receive the prize in your own wallet, which means no more complicated betting process is required due to the fact that there is no pre-defined period during which you can and cannot make transactions with money. in your account.
You don’t have to worry about staking your tokens because the automatic smart contract will handle everything for you. Interest is paid automatically and also pooled in your own wallet. Nothing is easier!
#Aufin rewards investors with the highest interest rates in all of decentralized finance, paying 480,419.00% interest in the first 12 months. The reward rate drops around Epoch which is a special time that happens every 2,300 blocks or roughly every 21 hours on average.
The #Aufin protocol pays every investor in its program every day. It is the fastest compounding crypto program out there, and also SECURE as payments are made using our trading bots and algorithms.
One of the great things about #Aufin is The Fireplace — which is our token burning feature that automatically burns 2.5% of all tokens purchased on our exchange every transaction. So ensuring there is never an excessive number of tokens on the market, and if there is, it will be very clear to anyone with open eyes that something fishy is not right!
Aufin uses a proprietary trading algorithm that affects Rebase Rewards. The algorithm is affected by the percentage of the cost of buying/selling trades generated in Aufin’s BTC, ETH and NEM wallets.
The rebasing reward, although capped at the 0.01613% rate is supported by The Rebase Insurance which helps maintain interest rates for the $AUN token in the long term. While this is good to know, it doesn’t necessarily relate to new token holders so we can make a few key points that sum it all up nicely.
When it comes down to it, #Aufin Insurance saves members from the risk of getting caught in a flash crash. What makes us so effective is our protocol’s ability to keep prices stable over time. Our commitment to sustainability and stability means that we will always have many options for enhancing growth. We can also save members from drying out because our protocols are designed with the best interests of individuals in mind and do not take advantage of them as other financial institutions might.

Aufin Treasury is like a bank account but specifically designed to protect the value of the Aufin Network Token. With that said, we can rest assured that no one will devalue the Aufin token and our existing bitcoin holdings in the process.
It is very important to have a sense of humor when it comes to the market. While we don’t expect the value of $AUN to drop at all, setting aside some money for a rainy day can be a wise move for many reasons: — You may want to pay employees if you need additional resources but don’t have the time or inclination to deal with hiring so it’s like used to leave it off your plate (enhancement) — you may want to lock in some tokens as “skins in the game” as part of the ICO bonus structure (enhancement) Yup, we get that long term trading isn’t something everyone likes. And while short-term trades can be dangerous as even experienced traders can find themselves caught off guard by price swings and arcs specifically aimed right at their own money pockets; setting aside budget space on behalf of your future self can help,
The community treasury is a pool of money from which the entire Aufin community can choose how to distribute it! The concept and idea of ​​treasury was first designed about three years ago. Since then, the community treasury has been put to good use and has helped sustain the growth of many #Aufin products, services and projects. The treasury will continue to be used to fund new items which will expand not only the value of #Aufin but also help in providing new great opportunities!
Aufin Fireplace is a way to burn or destroy a certain amount of coins (2.5% of all transactions). The more transactions that are made, the more coins are destroyed which means the circulating supply decreases and the transactions become more valuable over time.
The constant burning of supply means that the value of the token will automatically be worth more, due to its reduced quantity in circulation and increased demand.
#Aufin Auto-Liquidity will inject liquidity into the network. The first use case of our decentralized platform is to use $AUN as a method to unlock instant liquidity. On each exchange process, #Aufin collects a small fee and directs the money automatically to the LP wallet. A management mechanism is built into the protocol smart contract, which then takes 50% of the funds and buys BNB whenever needed automatically.
All remaining $AUN in the Auto-Liquidity Project (ALP) wallet will be used to purchase BNB, increasing the supply of BNB and thereby increasing its price. This method is known as market creation, and is a common way for new and existing cryptocurrency exchanges to increase liquidity.
#Aufin Auto-Liquidity will be done every two days to add liquidity to the pool. This way, holders of $AUN tokens will be able to easily sell their tokens at any given time and avoid major market slumps that could indicate a decline in value. #Aufin Auto-Liquidity will also help maintain protocol stability so that APY levels are maintained throughout their lifetime.
APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield which represents your Earnings as a percentage of the total investment amount. This number is used to measure how well your money is performing in the investment, measured against the total value of the investment in a certain period. For example if you invest $AUN tokens this means that compound interest will be added periodically to your $AUN tokens during the rebase event so you can earn more and more collateral.
The amount of new #Aufin tokens you receive is calculated as follows: (your current #Aufin token balance X selected multiplier) + your current #Aufin token balance. Your new rebase reward is calculated based on the final number of #Aufin tokens you have multiplied by the selected multiplier.
Because compound interest is a very powerful way to increase your return on savings or investments, it’s important to include it when making decisions about wealth building. To illustrate this thought process, imagine one person saving $4 daily for 30 days for a total of $120 and another person saving the same amount but their plans are combined for 6 months at the same interest rate:

The $AUN tokens are distributed every ten minutes for the next twelve years as a reward to token owners. Every time you receive an AUN reward, your position in the queue to get paid again is automatically moved up, meaning that even if you occasionally miss a payment, your total earnings will always increase as long as you are tokenized. holder.
When you trade as an investor, on average you have to pay 16% of the value of your trade in transaction fees (known as “taker fees).” The lower fee structure we have at Aufin gives us the ability to return 480,419.00% annually to our investors’ credit accounts.
Aufin Insurance….5%
Aufin’s Treasury….2.5%
Aufin fireplace….2.5%
Aufin Auto-Liquidity…..4%
Aufin Insurance….5%
Aufin’s Treasury…..4,5%
Aufin fireplace….2.5%
Aufin Auto-Liquidity……4%
The Aufin Protocol is a protocol that allows users to earn continuous compound interest on their assets. This is done by using Ethereum smart contracts to allow users to store their assets in the #Aufin Wallet, where the protocol will generate interest automatically. The protocol will use the Ethereum blockchain technology to allow users to earn a continuous, fixed compound interest.
#defiyield #DeFiproject #BSC #DeFi #AUFIN
by ; zhenzei link:;u=2579433


Sorex is an autonomous and self-regulating investment and staking platform.

ABOUT SOREX Sorex Coin – is a decentralized multi-chain investment and automated betting platform. The Sorex Coin blockchain is specially designed for retail users, offering absolute security and transparency for investments, payments and transaction history. Experience a secure and fast, decentralized, user-friendly and enhanced platform. Our blockchain is designed to provide a stable, long-term, secure and decentralized platform for crypto investors and traders. SOREX MISSION Sorex is an innovative new platform that works with your existing wallet. It combines the best of bank interest with the best of crypto mining by combining these two systems into one blockchain. A platform with a mission to provide global digital asset management solutions. WHAT CAN THE SOREX PLATFORM DO Sorex is a platform that makes it easy to create your own digital currency, assets or utility tokens in an instant. The platform also provides staking and masternode services to enable more people around the world who do not have access to crypto exchanges to benefit from the crypto economy in a secure and transparent manner. Sorex is a solution for long term crypto holders looking to earn from their holdings without trading or manual intervention. Sorex is a platform that makes it easy to create your own digital currency, assets or utility tokens in an instant. The platform also provides staking and masternode services to enable more people around the world who do not have access to crypto exchanges to benefit from the crypto economy in a secure and transparent manner. How it works Risk Free Value Fund (RFV), Buy & Sell Fee A portion of the buying and selling costs help maintain Sorex Treasury earnings. 5-10% of trading volume is diverted to Sorex Treasury, to help control the distribution of the Sorex Autostaking Protocol. Staking Rewards, SRX Token Compounds automatically with treasury backed currencies with intrinsic value. Program Auto Burning Program it starts with 10 million $SRX reserved exclusively for incineration purposes and will increase over time. In order not to become a pump and dump program, we will perform combustion operations linearly and automatically. Every week, 2-4% of the total supply will be burned. This percentage will grow over the weeks. SOREX Highlights PLAN : Earn easy income from close Artificial Intelligence exchange with pre-prepared time series hope neural organization Crypto Exchange : Buy and sell any of the 300+ Cryptos in minutes. Exchange anywhere with security and accommodation 24/7 Support : Got a problem? Just reach out. Our help group is accessible 24/7 Multiple Choice: Up or Down? Anticipate where the costs will continue to bend your bets. 300+ Crypto resources for decisions. Only 2 different ways — UP or DOWN! Explore any of the 300+ Crypto Assets and anticipate how the fees will act during the time of your choosing. Watch the progress of the exchange continuously. LVL Referral Program : Prescribe us to your comrades and get at every one of THREE Levels 1. LVL — 20% 2. LVL — 10% 3. LVL — 5% NFT Loans: Borrow and Borrow your NFT as collateral. Get progress in USDT, BUSD and SRX. Get a USDT or SRX advance. Use your NFT as collateral for crypto credits with the most important advances to appreciate proportions in the market. Get credit in USDT, BUSD or SRX and withdraw them quickly to your wallet. PROPOSED ADDED VALUE FROM SOREX TO DEFI Passive income without stress: Sorex is a decentralized platform that claims to be able to solve the problem of cryptocurrency coins being stuck on exchanges or in custodial wallets without making any profit. Such coins are often left idle as they accumulate, preventing users from generating a return on their investment. With Sorex, users can distribute their tokens across multiple blockchains, thereby ensuring that their digital assets are actively used and generate passive income. Sorex is a safe, fast and reliable way of investing in various crypto assets. It combines a decentralized approach with a wide range of investment and betting options. With Sorex you can use a variety of different blockchains, trade on multiple crypto exchanges, and buy different crypto investments with one account. Sorex is a safe, fast and reliable way of investing in various crypto assets. Sorex combines a decentralized approach with great features. Sorex will use AI, blockchain and cloud to decentralize the investment process for users. Sorex will use blockchain technology and AI to reduce the risk of fraud, automatically match investors and funds and enable safe and secure storage of assets on the platform. CONCLUSION Sorex is a game-changing platform, set to revolutionize the way people invest and trade. Through the development of multiple blockchains, Sorex will allow users to reap the benefits of holding multiple cryptocurrencies simultaneously. Through an easy-to-use platform, users will be able to invest in various cryptocurrencies and will be able to monitor their portfolio in real-time through an intuitive user interface. Sorex is set to transform the cryptocurrency market, allowing investors to invest their coins on various blockchains, while retaining the ability to trade them.


  • Multichain Token: The   SRX token will be launched on 4 blockchains simultaneously: Ethereum (FTM), Binance Smart
    Chain (BNB), Avalanche (AVAX) and Fantom (FTM)
  • Auto LP:   4% of trading fees back to liquidity ensuring
    the guaranteed value of SRX Token increases.
  • RFV Buyback Fund:   5% of purchases and 10% of selling fees are directed to the Risk Free Value Fund which
    helps maintain and support the Bet Rewards provided by Positive Rebase. RFV funds will be bridged to multichain farms to increase exponentially by ~50% annually to support prices further.



  • SOREX.IO Investment Platform Launch
  • Binary Options Launch
  • Launch of Investment PLAN
  • Pre-launch Marketing
  • SRX Initial Token Offer
  • Pre-launch Betting


  • SRX Token Launch
  • Register on Coinmarketcap
  • Register on Coinecko
  • SOREX.IO DAPP Launch
  • SOREX.IO Treasury Launch
  • xSRX Token Launch


  • Full Transition to a Decentralized Model
  • Pre-sale and ITO Platform
  • Massive Marketing Campaign
  • Strategic Partnership
  • SRX token adopted for CEX
  • CEX List

That’s all I can say in this article. If you need accurate and reliable information, you can visit their official link, which I have provided below:

Situs web:
Grup Bounty Telegram:
Komunitas Telegram:
Telegram Referral Program:
Pengumuman Telegram:

by ; zhenzei link:;u=2579433